The full-length American Journal of Education article “In the NIC of Time: How Sustainable Are Networked Improvement Communities?” by Ela Joshi, Christopher Redding, and Marisa Cannata can be accessed here. To many, the sustainability of educational reforms is the true marker of success (Coburn 2003; Datnow 2005; Hargreaves and Goodson 2006). To sustain a reform following the
The full-length American Journal of Education article “Muddy Waters: The Micropolitics of Instructional Coaches’ Work in Evaluation” by Sarah Galey-Horn and Sarah l. Woulfin can be accessed here. Traditionally, coaches travel in a different lane than formal evaluators while working towards instructional improvement goals. As state and local educational systems take up new generation evaluation systems, however, professional
The full-length American Journal of Education article “On Their Own? The Work-Related Social Interactions and Turnover of New Teachers” by Matthew Shirrell can be accessed here. Close your eyes and remember your first day at a new job. On your first day, and in the days and weeks that followed, how did you learn about the expectations
Many policymakers, researchers, and practitioners have long noted the disconnect between research and practice in education, pointing to the limited implementation of research and research-based reforms in classrooms and schools (Tseng, 2012; Neal et al., 2015). One promising solution for bridging this gap is research-practice partnerships (RPPs), which are long-term mutualistic partnerships that use research