PART 2. SHARING THE LEARNINGS FROM ‘UNHEARD VOICES’ In a previous summary you mentioned that this empirical research has been confusing to so many editorial boards and journal reviewers. What are some common misconceptions about this project? That we were trying to figure out how to keep people from becoming prisoners, homeless, working poor
Dr. Carr-Chellman is department chair of Learning and Performance Systems in the College of Education at Penn State University. In this interview, hear about her research on “Unheard Voices.” This project asks the question, What do those who have not been asked in the past about school change have to tell us about ideal schools?
Policymakers and practitioners alike express concern that NCLB’s new waiver requirements will overshadow the individual needs of historically disadvantaged students and draw attention away from the achievement gap (Dervarics, 2011; Fensterwald, 2011; Stokes, 2012). The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), which is the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of