In June 2019, an exchange between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden during the first round of Democratic primary debates touched off renewed conversation about busing and school desegregation, and leading Democratic presidential candidates were asked about their positions on school segregation. As K-12 integration, including the past and possibly future federal role to further school
This is the conclusion of a three-part series that reflects on and projects the state of education policy within the Obama Administration. Part one of the series, a breakdown of the Obama Administration’s K-12 policy, can be found here[1]. Part two, which analyzes the Obama Administration’s Higher Education policy and emphasis areas, can be found
This is the second part of a three-part series that reflects and projects on the state of educational policy within the Obama Administration. Part one of the series, a breakdown of the Obama Administrations K-12 policy and emphasis areas, can be found here[1]. The conclusion, which makes predictions for K-12 and higher education in the
This is the first part of a three-part series that discusses educational policy issues that the Obama Administration encountered in its first term. The series will also predict some of the policy conversations that will occur during the final four years of Obama’s presidency. This part of the series will discuss K-12 education. Part two