On January 13, 2020, I started my new role at the University of Chicago’s To&Through Project as a coach. Full of excitement, and a little nervousness, my colleague Ashley Leonard and I were launching a new initiative called the Middle Grades Network (MGN) with the vision of cohorts of schools in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) collaborating to
Full-length article “Salir Adelante: Collaboratively Developing Culturally Grounded Curriculum with Marginalized Communities” by Levitan and Johnson published by the American Journal of Education available here. The Need for Culturally-Grounded Curriculum Asset-based, identity- and culturally-reflective education practices, such as curricula that build from students’ identities and cultural backgrounds, increases students’ engagement (Ladson-Billings 1992), improves their success (Howard and
This is the third in our series on teacher evaluation policy. Teacher evaluation has been a major feature of education policy reform in the United States during the past ten years. The triumvirate of Race to the Top (2009) funding competition, the No Child Left Behind waivers (2011), and the passage of the Every Student