The shocking truth about STEM education by Jenay Robert

Creative Commons image by Flickr user drgandy
Creative Commons image by Flickr user drgandy

Most of us have been there: it’s your freshman year and you’re in a crowded lecture hall, a completely anonymous face in a sea of 300 students.  At about three minutes past class time, a professor enters the room with a notebook full of faded pages and begins to talk.  He’s talking about science; it’s clear because you only understand about half of the words coming out of his mouth.  But what really strikes you on this day, your grand college debut, is that he seems to be entirely unaware of your existence.  Your learning has been placed completely in your hands; he is providing you with information, and it is up to you to consume it, digest it, and incorporate it into your personal knowledge base.

Some of my readers might find this picture to be unnecessarily harsh and unfair, weighted against their own positive experiences of college science teaching.  Some of us have absolutely enjoyed passionate, engaging, exciting college science teachers.  However, researchers are uncovering that poor college science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) teaching is more than something undergraduates exaggerate to explain away bad grades; it is a real and serious epidemic. Furthermore, the consequences of this travesty are far beyond the scope of what any of us would have guessed.

A recent report by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA (Degree of Success: Bachelor’s Degree Completion Rates among Initial STEM Majors, 2010) revealed that not only are first-year STEM majors more likely to change fields of study before they graduate, but they are also more likely to withdraw from college than their non-STEM counterparts.  While this revelation seems discouraging enough, a 1997 study revealed that a staggering 90% of students leaving STEM majors cited poor teaching as one of their primary concerns (Seymour & Hewitt, 1997).

Therein lies the shocking truth about STEM education.  Poor college science teaching is legitimately to blame (at least in part) for students choosing not to just change majors, but drop out of college entirely.  In a society where a college degree has replaced the role of the high school diploma in work force qualifications, the profession of science teaching could have a serious impact on America’s economy at large.  Fortunately, governing institutions are finally taking notice.  In particular, the Association for American Universities (AAU) recently announced a major initiative (“Five-Year Initiative for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Discussion Draft,” 2011) to improve the effectiveness of undergraduate STEM education (as measured by graduation and retention rates).  But there is much work to be done.  Before the state of post-secondary STEM education can be improved upon, a clear understanding of its current dysfunction must be achieved.

Reasons for poor teaching at the college level remain speculative in the literature.  The AAU proposes that universities’ emphasis on research over teaching could partially explain this phenomenon.  In fact, in a 2010 survey of university professors (Savkar & Lokere, 2010), 48% of respondents indicated that “a star researcher with significant research publications but who has no significant teaching experience” would be favorable over applicants with either balanced teaching/research experience or “superb teacher[s]…with no significant research projects.”  Additionally, lack of support for college teacher professional development is clearly reported in the literature (Myers & Kircher, 2007). These results are in stark contrast to the fact that 77% of respondents in Savkar and Lokere’s survey indicated that teaching and research were equally important missions of their schools.  What is the true nature of this discrepancy?  Is the value system reflected in this data related to the attrition problems experienced by post-secondary STEM programs?

I propose that the issues at hand are not generated by uncaring individuals, but by a flawed system: a culture that values notoriety and profit over equitable educational opportunities and a society that is willing to accept unfair practices from the college science teaching community because it is composed of “experts.”  Change will take place slowly, but it is encouraging to see that organizations such as the AAU are taking notice of the issues and calling for action. Perhaps even more important, new grassroots initiatives are arising every day within STEM departments, driven by professors who are not afraid to contest the norms of college science teaching and work tirelessly to become better teachers and support others to do the same. I thank these professors for their work and encourage all of my colleagues to scrutinize their practices and never fear challenging the traditions of our field.


Degree of Success: Bachelor’s Degree Completion Rates Among Initial STEM Majors. (2010). Higher Education Research Institute.

Five-Year Initiative for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Discussion Draft. (2011). Association of American Universities.

Myers, J. C., & Kircher, C. (2007). Teaching Without License: Outsider Perspectives on First-Year Writing. Teaching English in the Two Year College, 34(4), 396-404.

Seymour, E., & Hewitt, N. (1997). Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview.

Savkar, V., & Lokere, J. (2010). Time to Decide: The Ambivalence of Science Toward Education. Nature Education, 1-14.